The Tower Grove Farmers’ Market will be celebrating its eleventh season in 2016! The market has experienced tremendous growth since beginning in 2006 and has become a St Louis institution and gathering place for thousands of St Louisans every Saturday for eight months out of the year. Sponsoring the 2016 market is a fantastic opportunity for you to reach a key demographic and contribute to a good cause.
To become a sponsor, please fill out our sponsorship form.
Please fill out our sponsor form and mail it to us at:
Tower Grove Farmers' Market
PO Box 220137
St. Louis, MO 63122
If you have questions, please email us at: contact(at)tgmarket(dot)org
You also have the option of paying for your sponsorship through our PayPal account. Please fax (314-480-7119) or email (contact(at)tgmarket(dot)org) the sponsorship form when paying online.
Some highlights of the 2015 season include:
• Over 4,200 shoppers on average attended the market each week, over 130,000 visits for the season
• 75% of the market goers spent more than 30 minutes per week at the market
• 25% of shoppers spent more than an hour per week at the market
• We grew to over 11,000 followers on Facebook
• The www.tgmarket.org website has been visited over 50,000 times and received over 1.3 million hits
• Our weekly email newsletter grew to reach over 6,000 interested readers
• We anticipate crowds to grow and average over 4,400 shoppers per week in 2016.
We anticipate having a sellout season for vendor slots in 2016, as we did this year, and this means a maximum bounty of seasonal food for our shoppers and increased shopper turnout. The market will continue to be a place to see friends, connect with neighbors and enjoy the beauty of Tower Grove Park. It will also provide a profitable outlet for area farmers, ranchers and artists to sell their products, helping to better the quality of life for these hard working individuals.
The Tower Grove Farmers’ Market is supported by memberships, sponsorships and vendor fees. The Market operates on a small budget that must support a large array of operating expenses that include space rental, insurance, permits, licenses, signage, utilities, site improvements, marketing, promotions, staffing, and more. We meet these needs through vendor fees, fundraising, sponsorships, our Friends of TGFM program, donations and merchandise sales. The market costs over $65,000 annually to run and we rely especially on generous sponsorships to implement our marketing, operations, site development, education and community relations programs to achieve our mission’s goals.
Your sponsorship of the market will not only help you reach thousands of St. Louisans who share your commitment to supporting St. Louis businesses, it will also support regional agriculture, local small business and the overall health of St. Louis residents. You will also ensure that we keep this weekly source of fresh, healthy food thriving in St. Louis.
The Tower Grove Farmers’ Market is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation and all contributions to the market are tax-deductible.
Thank you for considering a sponsorship of the market. This year we have four different sponsorship levels that run for the duration of the season, approximately 31 weeks:
Foundation Level ($5000)
Includes: Logo on all market signage and banners.
Logo in market brochure.
Recognition through press releases sent to local media.
Included in promotional materials and posters.
Logo and weblink in top banner of the website.
Logo in all market advertisements.
Listed in all email newsletters (30+ newsletters/year go out to over 6,000 opt-in email addresses).
Logo on Facebook Page (11,000+ Likes)
Sign at the Farmers’ Market at Festivals (Sign provided by sponsor).
Information booth at up to 3 market dates of the sponsor’s choice.
Harvest Level ($2500)
Includes: Logo on market signage and banners.
Logo in market brochure.
Logo in all email newsletters (30+ newsletters/year go out to over 6,000 opt-in email addresses).
Logo on Facebook Page (11,000+ Likes)
Logo and weblink on website.
Sign at one Farmers’ Market date of the sponsor’s choice (Sign provided by sponsor).
Information booth at 1 market date of the sponsor’s choice.
Included in promotional materials and posters.
Farm Level ($1000)
Includes: Logo on market signage and banners.
Logo and weblink on website
Logo in all email newsletters (30+ newsletters/year
go out to over 6,000 opt-in email addresses).
Logo on Facebook Page (11,000+ Likes)
Logo on promotional materials and posters
Garden Level ($250)
Includes: Logo and weblink on website
Logo in all email newsletters (30+ newsletters/year
go out to over 6,000 opt-in email addresses).
To become a sponsor, please fill out our sponsorship form.
Please fill out our sponsor form and mail it to us at:
Tower Grove Farmers' Market
PO Box 220137
St. Louis, MO 63122
If you have questions, please email us at: contact(at)tgmarket(dot)org
You also have the option of paying for your sponsorship through our PayPal account. Please fax (314-480-7119) or email (contact(at)tgmarket(dot)org) the sponsorship form when paying online.